About US

uWikiGaming is the best feature we try to combine Wiki, Reddit, and custom arena game website. This easy-to-use wiki allows people to read and contribute their knowledge of video games.

uWikiGaming is a community-driven website designed to be the ultimate repository of information about all video game consoles in the past, present, and future. Our goal is to help players find information about their favorite games through our forum, including all discussion topics from tutorials to competition criticism. There are also explicitly designated sections for different types of users who want more detailed information about the game or how to play the game in general.

uWikiGaming is a complete wiki of all your favorite games. People can share game information, track game versions and patches, and exclusive all these tasks in one tracking tool.
More than 3 million articles in our game database from PCs, mobile devices, and game consoles in 56 countries! It all started with a personal project many years ago. I want to create an annotated guide that will be useful to players after they finish the game.

But then my website became too big to keep only one type of document, so I integrated it with the Gamepedia platform, which is now the world's largest wiki hosting service, with more than 50 million unique visitors every month!


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