Games Bill Pro Bill Baseball Superstas, New Legend Trainer `Code

Com2us Holdings (CEO) said, 2021 Games Bill Pro Bay, Superstar (Lesson 2021 Game), said on March 31.

This update features a new legend grade trainer, and it is characterized that users who first started to quickly adapt to the game. As a new Legend Trainer, the 'code-J' of intelligence attributes appeared. It is expected that it will help you to foster a powerful relay pitcher, especially in the Genoa Knights scenarios. The 'recruitment probability-up' event, which can easily recruit Mikaela and the newly emerged 'code-J' and medium-sized trainer 'Mikaela', will be held until the 11th of next month.

Game performance upgrades and various events considering user convenience. In particular, it is expected that new users can quickly play games quickly. The foundation manual completion compensation for four steps was completed to earn a total of eight 'premium recruits 10 + 1 coupon'. The start trainer for the destination guide to the progress of the Legend grade, and the users who start the new game can grow rapidly, even the new players will be faster. To users who have already completed the District Guide, Renin and the shocking ticket, 10 Superstar Trainer Options, and 10 Superstar Trainer Options. In the 19th of the next month, in the 'Burning Event', which is open in the Burning Event, the skill point consumption is 10% discounted and more powerful. In addition, through the official café, the New Year's Ducks Event and the New Year's cooperative coupon compensation.

Baseball Superstars 2020 Planet League Championship Game 1 '2021 Campus' is a casual bilateral baseball game that is developed by Com2us Holdings, and is popular through user-friendly updates and game performance upgrades, and various events. Detailed update content can be found through the official café.


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