League of Legends: CLAugustH calendar for 2022, all the details

League of Legends is synonymous with competitions and tournaments. One of the pioneering games in the scope of the ESPORTS continues to offer new events, whether professionals or for any type of player, in full 2022. With the presentation of the new annual seAuguston also reaches another year of clAugusth and For here we tell you everything you have to know about it, in addition to leave with the calendar you have shared from Riot Games .

What is ClAugusth in League of Legends?

It is a monthly tournament that began to be held in April 2018 and continues one more year. It is about a competitive game mode ** where we can form teams of five players to compete against other teams of our level. It is worth mentioning that to create equipment we can do it since Monday, but that the parties will take place during the weekend, on Saturday or Sunday. If we won the three items indicated we can get a trophy and several rewards, which will improve August we earn more. If, on the contrary, our team loses the first round we will always have the option of playing consolation games to improve the total prizes.

What do you need to participate in ClAugusth?

  • Be level 30
  • Have completed the positioning items in one of the qualifying queues in the summoner crack
  • Having verified your account via SMS (a new specific characteristic of CLAugustH)

June 2022 Calendar With Holidays, Festivals, Observances | June Monthly Calendar | Calendarbuzz

CLAugustH 2022 calendar

| The registration period begins | Tournament days | ---

Copa Jonia | Week 1 | February 14 | February 19 - February 20 Week 2 | February 28 | March 5 - 6 Freljord Cup | Week 1 | March 14 | March 19 Week 2 | March 28 | April 23rd Piltover Cup | Week 1 | April 11 | April 16 - 17 Week 2 | April 25 | April 30 - May 1 By announcing | Week 1 | May 9 | May 14 - 15 Week 2 | May 16 | May 21 - 22 Cup of Demacia | Week 1 | June 6 | June 11 - 12 Week 2 | June 20 | June 25 - 26 Cup of the Shadow Islands | Week 1 | July 4 | July 9 - 10 Week 2 | July 18 | July 23 - July 24 Cup of Zaun | Week 1 | August 1 | August 6 - 7 Week 2 | August 15 | August 20 - 21 NOXUS Cup | Week 1 | August 29 | September 3 - 4 Week 2 | September 12 | September 17 - 18 By announcing | Week 1 | September 26 | October 12 ° Week 2 | October 10 | October 15 - 16 By announcing | Week 1 | November 14 | November 19 - November 20 Week 2 | November 28 | December 3 - 4


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