Elden around disgust bat singing real goosebone song

When you went to the beautiful voice of a bat for the first time in Elden Ring, you probably felt like the victims. Finally, instead of a friendly maid, an eerie cake awaits us that falls over us. In fact, these beings are quite poor themselves. This shows a translation of the words they sing.

bat song has real text

That's what it's about: Not all bats in Elden Ring have musical talent. We meet those who sing only in some places in the game. When they heard the vocals, souls fans are likely to have remembered the noble in the tower of Latria from Demon's Souls.

We also hear them singing from afar. However, she is a dealer who does nothing except for usury prices - in contrast to the field mice in Elden Ring.

Real words: Maybe when you overcome the first fright, you have already asked yourself what the song is all about. An Elden Ring fan called Magister-Organi on Reddit has not left peace. He managed to get the original text from the Hungarian singer Nóra Csádi. It turned out: they are real words. The text is written on Latin and tells her sad story.

Elden Ring Bat lady Singing -looped More about Elden Ring:

Elden Ring player awakens mysterious colosseum with brutal fights to live * Elden Ring-Patch 1.04.1 is live and takes Malenia her superpower In Elden Ring there would have been almost a Dark Souls-Déjà-vu in the first boss fight

that singing the bats

Magister-Organi has translated and interpreted the text together with another Reddit user named Nyrun. In a YouTube video, the former explains that the difficulty in Latin texts is that many words are ambiguous and have to be interpreted in their context.

In addition, the text had to be adapted to the melody, whereby a lot had to be changed and inserted. In addition, as explained in the video, a mistake was made. There are also different variants for the individual sentences, but they can be summarized as follows:

Oh, this country, formerly blessed, has been received. We (the fiancee) were intended for motherhood and are now disfigured (or: stained). We complained and shed tears, but nobody consoles us. Golden (r), who were you so angry with?

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Sad story: The bats were probably women who wanted to get married and found a family. In the video, the bridal jewelry on your head is pointed out. In fact, it is not normal bats, but rather mixed beings, the bodies of which partly look like that of droughts old women. On closer inspection, the chains that are wrapped around their legs stand out.

It sounds like that - instead of going towards their planned future - they fell victim to the anger of the Golden or the Golden. This probably means a person in connection with the golden order. Depending on how the text is interpreted, they could have been stained first. A new exciting story detail.

Did the discovery of the bat women also give you goosebumps? And what do you think of these lines of text or how would you interpret them?


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