V rising WhatStone: How to get and make a recipe

The construction and development of your castle requires many resources, the vital of which is a sharpener. In this leadership, V Rising We will tell you how to get a sharpener and how to get a grind stone recipe so you can make it.

locations V-Ring Whetstone

Research and survival are the key elements of the early V RISINGS game. Starting with a young vampire in V Rising, you need to quickly build a castle and begin your rule above the ground.

Exploring the world, you will find its dangers, but, most importantly, its unused resources that will help you move on.

Open the card. On it you will see yellow spots. These will be your attractions. It can be mines, camps, etc.

If you bring a cursor to them, a dialog box with information about objects that can be found there will open. Here you need to look for whatststone.

of the fortresses of bandits - these are places with an easily accessible sharpener in V Rising. But to get inside this camp, you obviously will first encounter the bandits guarding it.

You can either sneak in hidden mode, or destroy all enemies with your strength. As soon as you clean the camp, you can find a grind stone along with some other objects, such as ores, paper and others.

How to create a sharpener in v-rising

V RISING: How To Build A Roof FAST! - Castle Building Quest Trick

To make a grind stone, you will need to achieve progress in later parts of the game.

The Cracking Stone Craft recipe is available only after you defeat the level 27, Grayson gunsmith. After that you can make a sharpener using 1 x copper ingot and 12 x stone dust in your castle.
